Activity 3.2.3 - Alternative Energy - Wind Energy

a. Define alternative energy.

Alternative energy is various sources that a person can receive energy from, whether it is from the sun, wind, water, etc. Basically the main source of energy used for industrialized countries is conventional energy. Now conventional energy sources are fossil fuels, oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, etc. which are non-renewable sources.

b. Describe arguments for alternative energy in general.

The main argument for alternative energy is that they are not used as main sources or energy, however, they are used as an alternative. The reason for this is, because most of the alternatives, like solar energy has its pros and cons. Some alternative energy sources are renewable, meaning it can be healthy for the environment, since it is not harming it like a non-renewable energy source. 

c. Assess wind energy and explain its advantages and disadvantages. Include its limitations.

  • The alternative energy that stood out the me the most is wind energy. Now wind energy is a renewable energy source that harnesses the kinetic energy of moving air to  generate electricity. This is done by using large structure such as wind turbines, or windmills. Wind flows over the blades of a turbine creating lift, which causes the blades to turn. The blades are connected to drive shaft that turns an electric generator, which produces electricity. I would say one of the main advantages to wind energy is that it is a renewable source of energy. Since wind is a limitless resource as long as the wind is blowing there will, be energy that can be generated into electricity. Wind is also obviously clean and sustainable, because it does not pollute the air. Wind turbines are also very cheap once installed, so the operating cost is low. Also as I mentioned wind energy reduces carbon emissions, and helps reduce climate change. Wind turbines do not release emissions that water as well. An example where wind energy could be used in a positive way is in the Appalachian Mountains where MTR is done, instead of using coal mining for energy it could be replaced with turbines. Now the cons for wind power are that it depends on locations where the wind is good, similar to solar energy. Wind energy can also be irregular as it depends in speed, and direction, so having a backup energy source is crucial when it comes to wind power. The noise of wind turbines can also be unbearable for some people. Also there needs to be a lot space in farms for the wind turbines to be placed. Additionally, turbines have been found to cause bird, and bat deaths if they are located in their migratory path. If the wind sources are not evenly distributed that region might not have enough wind energy to actually be used. Although I did mention that wind turbines are cheap after you put them, they are actually a bit costly when it comes to putting them for the first time. They also require maintenance so that can also be expensive. In conclusion wind power energy sounds amazing, because it is renewable, but it does have its downsides when it comes to cost.


  • Mutiti, S., Mutiti, C., Manoylov, K., VandeVoort, A., & Bennett, D. (2018). Introduction to environmental science (3rd ed.). Biological Science Open Textbooks. University System of Georgia.
  • “Advantages and Challenges of Wind Energy.” Energy.Gov,,and%20technology%20of%20wind%20energy. Accessed 17 Oct. 2023.


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