Activity 2.2.1 - My daily water use

 My household water bills average

  • I used my data from the water bills of July-August 2023, and the total was 4,488 gallons/month on average.
  • 2,244 gallons/person/month
  • 74.8 gallons per day / per person

Name of water calculator


My per person usage

Water Use Calculator 

This was indoor and outdoor data = 456 gallons per day

13,862 per month

Residential water consumption calculator 

Indoor data = 238 gallons per day, and 7,230 gallons per month

Outdoor data = 16 gallons per day, and 488 gallons per month

After doing my math on the data collected of the water bills I came to realize a pattern this summer, which was that more water was used in my household. I guess that it had to do with the extreme heat we had this year. I know I have seen my mom water the plants more, because the grass is so dry that there are even holes in the ground. I know its important to save water, because its vital to humans for surviving. However, water is basically used for everything so it can be hard to save it. I believe that it’s important to spread awareness about how much we consume things like water to try and find solutions on how to fix them. Many places around the world don’t have access to clean water, they have to go to rivers and lakes to get it. I feel very lucky to have fast, and easy access to pure water. Saving/protecting water is not only important for the well being of the earth, but as I mentioned it brings awareness to even more issues like climate change, reducing energy consumption, etc. One of the reasons people are needing more water is due to extreme heat, and extreme heat is caused by climate change. Another thing I have noticed from this summer is the lack of rain we’ve been having which would explain why my yard has many holes in the ground, and an increase in many wildfires through my city. In conclusion, I would say this activity opened my eyes to the many environmental issues going on in the world.


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