Activity 3.1 - Human Population

 First Demographic Profile Year 2022 Data

  • Country Name - Italy 
  • Birth Rate - 7.154 births per 1,000 people 
  • Death Rate - 10.841 deaths per 1,000 people
  • Population Growth Rate - 59,037,474, a 0.34% decline from 2021
  • Life Expectancy for Females - 84.8 years
  • Life Expectancy for Males - 80.5 years
  • Fertility Rate - 1.3 births per woman
  • GNI (gross national income) - $46,450

MLA Citations 

  1. GNI per capita by country 2023. (n.d.-a). 
  2. Nadeau, B. L., Donato, V. D., & Mortensen, A. (2023, May 17). “low fertility trap”: Why Italy’s falling birth rate is causing alarm. CNN.,to%20official%20figures%20for%202022. 
  3. “Italy Death Rate 1950-2023.” MacroTrends, 
  4. Published by                                    Statista Research Department, and May 12. “Italy: Life Expectancy at Birth 2002-2022.” Statista, 12 May 2023, 

Second Demographic Profile Data 2022

  • Country Name - Zambia 
  • Birth Rate - 35.184 births per 1,000 people
  • Death Rate - 6.178 deaths per 1,000 people
  • Population Growth Rate - 20,017,675, a 2.8% increase from 2021
  • Life Expectancy for Females - 63.93 years
  • Life Expectancy for Males - 58.49 years
  • Fertility Rate - 4.436 births per woman
  • GNI (gross national income) - $3,250

MLA Citations

  1. GNI per capita by country 2023. (n.d.-a).
  2. “Zambia Birth Rate 1950-2023.” MacroTrends, 

  3. O’Neill, Aaron. “Zambia - Life Expectancy at Birth by Gender 2011-2021.” Statista, 21 July 2023,,about%2058.49%20years%20on%20average. 

Comparison Between Italy & Zambia

For my data entry collection I decided on the country Italy, and Zambia. This assignment was based on choosing a more developed country, and a least developed country. For my most developed country it was Italy, since it is considered a developed country due to their advanced technologies increasing with reusable energy. Now for my least developed country I chose Zambia, because of its poverty, and low per capita income. When looking at both data entries there are some differences between Italy, and Zambia. To start off the birth rate is much higher in the country Zambia than it is in Italy. This is probably due to lack of education in Zambia so woman have more children. While in Italy the education system is much better, so woman are more likely studying, and being educated than having children. Poverty is also a main difference between both of these countries, because Zambia cleary has a higher poverty rate just by looking at the per capita income. Italy has higher life expectancy for both females and males, than Zambia does. For Zambia males and female live till the 50s and 60s, while in Italy they live till their 80s. Some of the factors that contribute to this is that in Zambia there are more diseases, and its harder for the people to get them treated due to poverty. The diseases that are very common is Zambia are HIV/Aids, malaria, tuberculosis, etc. However, in Italy the healthcare quality is way better, so if a person is sick they can get treated immediately. Another thing I noticed is the death rate is a 10.41 deaths per 1,000 people in Italy, while in Zambia its 6.178 deaths per 1,00o people. Although there isn't that much of a huge difference, I do think its weird considering the life expectancy is higher in Italy than it is Zambia. Now comparing this data of Italy/Zambia to the WORLD category they're kind of similar, because the world death rate is 8 deaths per 1,000 people. The GNI for world category is however, lower than the one from Italy since the GNI for Italy was $46,450 while the world one was $17,535. Zambia still stays in the low category for GNI when comparing it to the world category , because their GNI is $3,250. The life expectancy rate for the world category is again in between both Italy/Zambia, because it’s in the 70s age for both male and female for the world, while for Italy its in the 80s and Zambia is in the 50s age.

MLA Citation


  1.   “Population Growth in Zambia: A View from the Slums.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 24 Oct. 2011,’s%20predicted%20population%20growth%20is,and%20economic%20opportunities%20for%20women.


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