A Turning Point Event for Environmental Science - Cuyahoga River Burning 1969

Cuyahoga River Burning 1969



1. Point of View 

After watching the video I would say it was articulated in a timely manner by stating the year the river burned, and at the end of the video explaining the positive solutions done to help the river be what it is today. 

2. Purpose

I think the purpose of this video was educational, and that there is always a solution for everything. The video mentions how before the fire happened at the river there weren't many laws, or precautions being taken to protect the water quality of the environment. The goal was to bring awareness about how things can be fixed if people come together to find a solution. The issue here was that the water was very contaminated and needed to be cleaned asap.

3. Questions at Issue

The main problem was that a fire was started due to railroad bridges and oil. This made the river completely polluted and with a very bad smell. The river looked so bad people didn't think it was going to be able to be fixed. This is when people saw that change needed to happen, and one of the first things was the Federal Pollution Act, Clean Air Act. Both of these laws served to have more regulations when it came to pollutants that could affect the environment.

4. Information

The data shown in the video was the water testing, and water quality of the river. The oil study group which was used to help give out ideas on how to clean up the river. Although throughout the video the people being interviewed mention how at first it was not easy getting ideas out there. In the end however everyone pitching in to help made a huge difference in taking action to clean up the river.

5. Interpretation and inference 

I feel like when this incident happened as mentioned in the video, was before there were strict laws, so it was something that couldn't have been prevent either way. Somethings mentioned in the video is they didn't have the technology that there is now, so they had to learn from scratch how to fix it. Having to brainstorm ideas and do tests must have been difficult, but having different solutions helped.

6. Concepts

One of the models I found interesting in the video was the river damn. They wanted to remove one of the dams built in the 1900s as a hydro plant which blocks river movement. Taking it out would be good for the river because it would flow better and be more cleaner. I believe thats another solution that could be used to notice if the river will flow better, and for it to be 10 times more cleaner.

7. Assumptions

I believe many things taken for granted were definitely the community of Cleveland, and economics. I think the community coming together to try to solve this issue was amazing, because even people from Canada helped. Money also played a role, because none of this would have been possible without providing funds for this big project on cleaning the river that has taken years and is till being worked on.

8. Consequences

The end result of the river being cleaned was definitely having more people visit the river, meaning more tourism. The people being interviewed mention how the river smells cleaner, and there's even restaurants on the edge of the which is something that couldn't be done when the water was polluted. The biggest victory of the river bank was that the river has swimming fish meaning living organisms are able to live there. People fishing, using boats, kayaking, etc, were also a big win in the restoration of the Cuyahoga river.


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